I don't know how much the other coaches will use this blog. I hope to use it frequently. Those of you who took the fall marathon training class last summer know just how long my e-mails can be. And those of you who read my post below will know excactly what I am talking about.
My plan this year is to use the blog to get my rants off my chest, dispense of my advice (most of it will be, "DUDE, DON'T DO WHAT I DID"), and tell a few jokes that only I find amusing. The nice thing about this is it will keep my e-mails a little shorter and sweeter. Then you can decide if you want to venture over here for some extra reading.
In the meantime, for those of you whom I haven't met yet, I am looking forward to the chance. For those of you who I already know, welcome back. I think we'll have a lot of fun between now and October.
And to everyone: marathon rookie or savvy veteran, I hope you are proud of the fact that you have made the commitment to train for a marathon. That act alone is an accomplishment. And I hope you get everything you want out the class this year, no matter what happens on race day.
If you have run with me outside of MDRA workouts, have been to my house, or have had more than a two minute conversation with me, you should have no problem naming the dog in that picture. Here's a hint: his name sounds like a sleeveless rain jacket and is short for "Alfonso."
Blancho??? or is it Honcho???
It's actually Fonzie. A leather rain jacket without sleeves is called a Fonzie.
No not really. Keep guess Kirk. I'll give you another hint. It rhymes with "Ancho."
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